630 Aerospace - Top repair and overhaul specialists of aircraft airframe and engine components

Terms and Conditions - Purchasing

In the interest of transparency and full understanding of 630 Aerospace’s business practices, policies and requirements, we provide the following Terms and Conditions of Purchasing, which pertain to all 630 Aerospace Purchase Orders. These Terms and Conditions apply to all 630 Aerospace supply chain partners and vendors with whom the company does business.

General:  In the interest of transparency and full understanding of 630 Aerospace’s business practices, policies and requirements, we provide the following Terms and Conditions which apply to all 630 Aerospace Purchase Orders. 


630 Aerospace, Inc. ("Buyer")

Definitions: The following definitions shall apply to all Purchase Orders ("PO"):

Contractor or BUYER: 630 Aerospace, Inc., or its subsidiaries 
Subcontractor, Supplier, SELLER, or Vendor: The legal entity to whom the PO applies, Contract or Subcontract is issued by BUYER

Applicable Law:  POs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida except that the choice of law provisions thereof shall not be invoked to apply the laws of another jurisdiction. Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention on the International Sale of Goods ("CISG"), BUYER and SELLER expressly elect to exclude and opt out of any application of CISG provisions to this PO.

Compliance: SELLER shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations and orders in effect on the date of the order, including, but not limited to the following, as amended: (a) the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; (b) the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA); (c) the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976; (d) the Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act; and (e) any other federal law concerning labor relations, nondiscrimination in employment, minimum wages, overtime compensation, and hours of employment. SELLER agrees to indemnify and hold BUYER harmless against any loss or liability due to SELLER's violation or noncompliance with such regulations. Upon BUYER's request, SELLER shall furnish evidence demonstrating such compliance. All material shipped and services provided to BUYER must be in compliance with all applicable Environmental laws and regulations. POs are subject to, and incorporate by reference, the following terms and provisions published by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor: Equal Opportunity Clause (41 CFR Part 60-1.4) under Executive Order 11246, as amended, and the regulations thereunder: Affirmative Action Clause for Disable Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era (41 CFR part 60-250.3) under Section 2012 of the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, and the regulations thereunder; Affirmative Action Clause for Handicapped Workers (41 CFR 60-741.3) under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and the regulations thereunder. Supplier agrees that BUYER, BUYER’s customers and regulatory authorities shall have access to all facilities involved in the PO and all applicable records. Supplier further agrees to flow this requirement down to its suppliers.

Acceptance of PO: The PO contains the entire agreement of the parties and expressly limits acceptance to the terms and conditions stated. Any terms and conditions proposed by SELLER inconsistent with or in addition to terms and conditions hereof are objected to and void unless agreed to in writing by BUYER.

Setoff: BUYER shall have the right at all times to set off any amount due or payable to SELLER hereunder against any claim or charge BUYER may have against SELLER.

Payment Terms: Unless otherwise specified in the PO, terms of payment are "Net 30 days" (N30).

Invoices: An itemized invoice shall be submitted in triplicate to the address shown on the face of the order to the attention of Accounts Payable. In order to support rapid processing of invoice for payment, the invoice should contain the PO Number, Packing List number, description of supplies/services furnished, quantity, unit prices, and total price. Payment of invoices may be delayed pending correction of any errors or omissions.

Warranty of Supplies/Services: SELLER warrants that all supplies/services furnished under the PO: (a) shall be of good material and workmanship and free of defects; and (b) shall comply with BUYER's Supplier Requirements under Terms and Conditions accessible at www.630aerospace.com/termsandcondition- purchase . Further, SELLER warrants that the supplies/services shall be merchantable and suitable for the purpose intended. These warranties shall survive inspection, acceptance, and payment. Suppliers/Services that do not conform to the above warranties may, at any time within twenty-four (24) months after delivery to BUYER, be rejected and returned to SELLER, at SELLER's expense, for correction or replacement. If SELLER does not promptly correct or replace same, BUYER may correct or replace the nonconforming supplies/services at SELLER's expense. The foregoing warranties are in addition to all other warranties expressed or implied by law including incidental or consequential damages.

Termination for Default: BUYER may, without liability, and in addition to any other rights and remedies provided herein or by law, terminate the PO in whole or in part by written notice of default if SELLER: (a) fails to deliver the supplies or perform the services within the time specified; (b) fails to make sufficient progress with the work, thereby endangering completion of performance within time specified; or (c) fails to comply with any of the other instructions, terms, or conditions of the PO. BUYER's right to terminate for default may be exercised if SELLER does not cure the failure within ten (10) days after receiving BUYER's notice of such failure. If BUYER terminates this PO in whole or in part, BUYER may purchase similar supplies or services from others and SELLER shall be liable for any additional costs above the original price for the terminated supplies/services.

Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Indemnity: SELLER agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless BUYER, its customer, and those for whom BUYER may act as agent, from any costs, expenses, damages, or liability that BUYER may incur as a result of any proceedings charging infringement of any patent, trademark, or copyright by reason of sale or use of any supplies/services/data furnished by SELLER. SELLER shall have no liability, regarding alleged patent infringement for supplies furnished to BUYER in accordance with BUYER's design specifications.

Packaging and Packing: SELLER shall be responsible for properly packing and packaging the supplies in suitable containers for protection during shipment in accordance with transportation regulations and good commercial practice. No additional charges shall be allowed for packing and packaging unless specifically agreed in writing by BUYER and SELLER.

Transportation Charges: Unless otherwise provided in the PO, transportation charges shall be prepaid and separately invoiced to BUYER. No premium transportation costs shall be allowed unless authorized by BUYER.

Waiver of Rights: Failure of either party to insist on performance of any provision of the PO shall not be construed as a waiver of that provision or any waiver of BUYER's or SELLER's right to require compliance with such provision in any later instance. If any provision of the PO is found to be illegal or unenforceable under law, that provision shall be deleted; however, all other provisions of this shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force an effect.

Title and Risk of Loss: Unless otherwise provided in this PO, the shipping point shall be the delivery destination indicated in the PO, and title to the supplies and risk of loss or damage shall pass to BUYER upon BUYER's acceptance of supplies regardless of where BUYER takes physical possession. If the shipping point is designated as SELLER's location, then title and risk of loss or damage to the supplies shall pass to BUYER upon SELLER's delivery of the supplies to the carrier.

No Extra Charges: The total price payable to SELLER shall be stated in the PO. The price shall not be increased to cover any future SELLER price increases and shall be inclusive of packing, packaging, and cartage, premium transportation charges, reusable containers, service or carrying charges, permits, fees, and licenses, or any other charges whatsoever unless specifically agreed to in writing by BUYER.

Limitation of Liability: BUYER's liability to SELLER hereunder shall not, under any circumstances, be greater than the total dollar amount of the order indicated herein. This clause shall have precedence over all other PO Terms and Conditions.

Entire PO: The PO constitutes the entire agreement between BUYER and SELLER regarding the procurement and supersedes all previous oral and written agreements and commitments. No terms or conditions of sale set forth in SELLER's quotation or acknowledgement shall be included as a part hereof, nor shall any prior course of dealing, custom, or usage in the trade supersede or modify any PO provisions. Any subsequent additions, deletions, or modifications to the PO shall not be binding upon the parties unless same are mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein in writing.


Unauthorized Parts: An Unauthorized Part(s) or Suspect Part(s) is a part in which there is an indication by visual inspection, testing, or other information that it may meet the definition of Fraudulent Part or a Counterfeit Part. A "Fraudulent Part" is any part knowingly misrepresented as meeting required specifications. A "Counterfeit Part" is a part that has been represented, identified, or marked as genuine, but has been confirmed to be a copy, imitation, or substitute that was created (a) without legal right to do so, and (b) with intent to mislead, deceive, or defraud. Promptly upon BUYER discovering that SELLER has delivered to BUYER an Unauthorized Part(s) or Suspect Part(s), BUYER shall impound the part and provide written notice to SELLER of such action. Upon receipt of the notice, SELLER shall, at its own cost and expense, replace the Unauthorized Part(s) or Suspect(s) with a part(s) that meets BUYER' Quality standards. SELLER shall indemnify BUYER from all liability relating to the removal and replacement of the Unauthorized Part(s) or Suspect Part(s), including without limitation reimbursement of all costs associated with removal, reinstallation and with testing required after reinstallation of a replacement part(s). When requested by BUYER, SELLER shall provide documentation that authenticates traceability of the applicable Manufacturer(s) utilized by SELLER to obtain all parts pursuant to the PO.

General:  In the interest of transparency and full understanding of 630 Aerospace’s business practices, policies and requirements, we provide the following Terms and Conditions which apply to all 630 Aerospace Repair Orders. 


630 Aerospace, Inc. ("Buyer")

Definitions: The following definitions shall apply to Repair Orders ("RO"):

Contractor or BUYER: 630 Aerospace, Inc., or its subsidiaries 
Contract, RO or Subcontract: These terms are used interchangeably and refer to this contractual instrument 
Purchasing Agent: The only individual authorized to commit the BUYER 
Subcontractor, Supplier, SELLER, or Vendor: The legal entity to whom the RO is issued by BUYER

Applicable Law: The RO shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, USA.

Compliance with Law: VENDOR shall comply with all applicable United States’ federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations and orders in effect on the date of the RO, including, but not limited to the following, as amended: (a) the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; (b) the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA); (c) the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976; (d) the Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act; and (e) any other federal law concerning labor relations, nondiscrimination in employment, minimum wage, overtime compensation, and hours of employment. VENDOR agrees to indemnify and hold BUYER harmless against any loss or liability due to VENDOR's violation or noncompliance with such regulations. Upon BUYER's request, VENDOR shall furnish evidence demonstrating such compliance.

Acceptance of RO: The RO contains the entire agreement between VENDOR and BUYER and acceptance is expressly limited to the terms and conditions stated. VENDOR warrants that all supplies/services furnished under the RO: (a) shall be of good workmanship and free of defects; (b) shall comply with BUYER's Supplier Requirements under Terms and Conditions accessible at www.630aerospace.com/termsandcondidtion-purchasing. Any terms and conditions proposed by VENDOR inconsistent with or in addition to terms and conditions hereof are objected to and void unless agreed in writing by the BUYER.

RO Number: The RO Number appearing on the face of the RO document must appear on all correspondences, invoices, containers, packages, packing slips, and shipping documents.

Setoff: BUYER shall have the right at all times to set off any amount due or payable to VENDOR hereunder against any claim or charge BUYER may have against VENDOR.

Payment Terms: Unless otherwise specified in the RO, terms of payment are "Net 30 days" (N30) from the date BUYER receives VENDOR's invoice.

Invoices: VENDOR shall submit an itemized invoice in triplicate to BUYER's address shown on the face of the RO to the attention of the Accounts Payable Department. In order to support rapid processing of invoices for payment, the invoice should contain the RO Number, packing list number, description of services furnished, and total price. Payment of invoices may be delayed pending correction of any errors or omissions.

Inspection: The RO is issued subject to BUYER's inspection approval and conformity to manufacturer's specifications.

Warranty: VENDOR's standard warranty shall apply to the RO or in lieu thereof the standard commercial warranties provided under applicable law.

Termination for Default: BUYER may, without liability, and in addition to any other rights and remedies provided herein or by law, terminate the RO in whole or in part by written notice of default if VENDOR; (a) fails to perform the services within the time specified; (b) fails to make sufficient progress with the work, thereby endangering completion of performance within time specified; or (c) fails to comply with any of the other instructions, terms, or conditions of the Repair Order. BUYER's right to terminate for default may be exercised if VENDOR does not cure the failure within ten (10) days after receiving BUYER's notice of such failure. If BUYER terminates the RO in whole or in part, BUYER may procure similar supplies or services from others and VENDOR shall be liable for any additional costs above the original price for the terminated supplies/services.

Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Indemnity: VENDOR agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless BUYER, its customer, and those for whom BUYER may act as agent, from any costs, expenses, damages, or liability that BUYER may incur as a result of any proceedings charging infringement of any patent, trademark, or copyright by reason of sale or use of any supplies/services/data furnished by VENDOR.

Packaging and Packing: VENDOR shall be responsible for properly packing the part(s) to BUYER in suitable containers for protection during shipment in accordance with transportation regulations and good commercial practice. VENDOR shall insure that packing list accompany each case or parcel clearly show BUYER's RO Number and complete description of contents. VENDOR shall pay all costs for packing and packaging unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing by BUYER and VENDOR.

Transportation Charges: Unless otherwise provided in the RO, BUYER shall pay all transportation costs.

Subcontracting: VENDOR agrees that if it subcontracts any of the services to be provided hereunder, it shall do so only to approved Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") facilities holding a current and valid FAA license to perform said work.

Waiver of Rights: Failure of either party to insist on performance of any provision of the RO shall not be construed as a waiver of that provision or any waiver of VENDOR's or VENDOR's right to require compliance with such provision in any later instance. If any provision of the RO is found to be illegal or unenforceable under law, that provision shall be deleted; however, all other provisions of the RO shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force an effect.

Risk of Loss: Unless otherwise provided in the RO, the shipping point shall be the delivery destination indicated on the face of the RO, and risk of loss or damage shall pass at that point to VENDOR upon delivery and back to BUYER upon acceptance of services and redelivery. If the shipping point is designated as the VENDOR's location, then risk of loss or damage shall pass to BUYER upon VENDOR's delivery of the supplies to the carrier.

Title: Title to the parts provided to VENDOR for service hereunder shall at all times remain with BUYER or BUYER's customer. VENDOR agrees that it shall not cause any third-party claims or liens to attach to the parts.

No Extra Charges: Unless BUYER otherwise agrees in writing, the total price payable to VENDOR shall be stated in the RO. The price shall not be increased to cover any future VENDOR price increases and shall include packing, packaging, and cartage, reusable containers, service or carrying charges, permits, fees, and licenses, or any other charges.

Entire RO: The RO constitutes the entire agreement between BUYER and VENDOR regarding the services contracted under the RO and supersedes all previous oral and written agreements and commitments. Any subsequent additions, deletions, or modifications to the RO shall not be binding upon BUYER unless mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein in writing.

AS9120: Supplier agrees that BUYER, BUYER's customers & regulatory authorities shall have access to all facilities involved in the RO and all applicable records. Supplier further agrees to flow this requirement down to its suppliers.

General:  In the interest of transparency and full understanding of 630 Aerospace’s business practices, policies and requirements, we provide the following Terms and Conditions which apply to the Suppliers of goods and services to 630 Aerospace.   

These requirements establish the certification and documentation required when selling, consigning and/or supplying material to 630 Aerospace, Inc. Material supplied to 630 Aerospace must be traceable to a prior source and bear acceptable documentation that conforms to at least one of the requirements listed in Appendix A of the ASA StandardsAdditional and/or unique requirements may be specified on 630 Aerospace's purchase order. It is expected that all requirements will be honored by our suppliers. Any deviations require written approval from 630 Aerospace Quality Management prior to shipment.

1. Approved Prior Sources

630 Aerospace defines Approved Prior Sources as follows:

    1. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that are the Production Approval Holders (PAHs).
    2. All scheduled airlines and operators, including freight carriers.
    3. Major airframe and powerplant certified repair stations (FAA, EASA, TC or CAAC) whose capability allows them to perform C & D checks, repair or modify the aircraft structure or repair the major modules of an engine.
    4. Certified Component Repair Stations (FAA, EASA, TC or CAAC), provided the material they're supplying is within the repair capabilities of their Air Agency Certificate.

2. Non-Approved Prior Sources

Any sources not meeting the definition above for "Approved Prior Source" are considered by 630 Aerospace to be "Non-Approved Prior Sources". Further examples of Non-Approved Prior Sources are other surplus parts suppliers, dealers, brokers, aircraft and/or engine leasing companies or certified repair stations selling material outside of their repair capabilities. 

The minimum certification requirements necessary for acceptance of material by 630 Aerospace from a Non-Approved Prior Source are:

    1. The supplier's own Material Certification ATA 106 form or acceptable equivalent, and the original or certified true copy of the certificate received from the Approved Prior Source.
    2.  A non-incident, non-government and non-military use statement from the last operator (if used) and last Prior Source.

3. Certification and Traceability Requirements by Part Condition and Description

    1.  Factory New

The original certification from the OEM, appropriate documentation shall include one or a combination of the following: FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form 1, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1, Certificate of Conformance, Packing Slip, Transfer Ticket or Invoice.

    1. New Surplus (Unused)

Certification and traceability back to an Approved Prior Source stating that the material is new. Appropriate documentation may include one or a combination of the following: FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form 1, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1, Certificate of Conformance, Packing Slip, Transfer Ticket, and a material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification. (In the case of a New Engine, if not purchased directly from the OEM, an N.I.S. needs to be included).

    1. Overhauled, Repaired, Inspected or Modified
      These requirements should be strictly adhered to with regard to teardown contracts for aircraft or engines
      1. Certification and traceability back to the last operator and/or Approved Prior Source, including a non-incident/non-military statement.
      2. Original material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification stating the part is in the same condition as listed on the Authorized Release Certificate.
      3. The original FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form 1, CAAC AAC-038, SEG VOO 003 or TC Form 1 (Dual FAA/EASA release) issued by a repair facility that is approved to perform the repair by the relevant airworthiness regulatory authority.
      4. Details of work performed or teardown report, including Service Bulletins (SB) number, Modification number or Airworthiness Directives (AD), with revision number and date.
      5. Name of the service manual and/or part number or ATA chapter reference used to perform the repair and the revision level and revision date of the manual.
      6. Any repairs incorporated into the part must be repairs listed in the OEM's service, repair or overhaul manual. FAA DER 8110-3, Internal Engineering Notices (IENs), Engineering Orders (EOs), Technical orders (TOs) Customer Departure Records (CDR's), or Departure records (DR'S) type repairs will not be accepted by 630 AEROSPACE without prior written approval.
    2. Repairable/As Is/As Removed Material

Same as (a / b) above plus condition stated as delivered on the Material Certification.

4. Additional Requirements

Additional requirements are as follows:

    1. In the event the certification and/or traceability is incorrect, missing or altered, or if the condition of the part is not in accordance with the condition stated on the certification or the condition as stated on 630 Aerospace's purchase order, the part(s) will be rejected by 630 Aerospace and returned for full credit, including transportation costs.
    2. The original Authorized Release Certificate is required for each line item on the purchase order.
    3. Multiple part numbers and/or Serial Numbers on a single Authorized Release Certificate (FAA, EASA, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1 or CAAC AAC-038) are NOT acceptable with exception to engine components of the same stage.
    4. Manifested attachments with multiple part numbers and/or Serial Numbers on a single Authorized Release Certificate (FAA, EASA, SEG VOO 003, TC Form 1 or CAAC AAC-038) are NOT acceptable with exception to engine components of the same stage.
    5. If the item is not serialized and the quantity being supplied is less than the quantity in box 9 of the Authorized release Certificate, then a certified true copy of the Authorized Release Certificate will be acceptable.
    6. The Authorized Release Certificate or Certificate of Conformance must specify all ADs that are represented as having been accomplished, including the AD number(s), AD amendment number(s), and date(s) and method(s) of compliance.
    7. Hardware items (nuts, bolts, washers, etc) will only be accepted if the parts are in new condition and in unopened OEM packaging. Industry standard hardware items (NAS, AN, MS MIL, etc) must be accompanied by chemical and physical test documentation in addition to the traceability documentation listed above.
    8. Any material identified as being involved in an incident or accident will NOT be accepted by 630 AEROSPACE.
    9. Any material identified as being traceable to any military or government source must be accompanied by an original material certification form that meets the requirements of ATA Spec 106 or other industry accepted certification stating the part is in the same condition as listed on the Authorized Release Certificate with a statement tracing material to a military or government source.
    10. Supplier shall ensure:
      1. The processes, products, and services to be provided including the identification of relevant technical data (e.g., specifications, drawings, process requirements, work instructions).
      2. The approval of:
        1. Products and services
        2. Methods, processes, and equipment
        3. The release of products and services
        4. Competence, including any required qualification of persons
        5. The external providers' interactions with the organization
        6. Control and monitoring of the external providers' performance to be applied by the organization
        7. Verification or validation activities that the organization, or its customer, intends to perform at the external providers' premises; test, inspection, and verification (including production process verification)
        8. The use of statistical techniques for product acceptance and related instructions for acceptance by the organization
      3. The need to:
        1. implement a quality management system
        2. use customer-designated or approved external providers, including process sources (e.g., special processes)
        3. notify the organization of nonconforming processes, products, or services and obtain approval for their disposition
        4. prevent the use of counterfeit parts
        5. notify the organization of changes to processes, products, or services, including changes of their external providers or location of manufacture, and obtain the organization's approval
        6. flow down to external providers applicable requirements including customer requirements
        7. provide a certificate of conformity, test reports, or authorized release certificates, as applicable
        8. retain documented information, including retention periods and disposition requirements and authorize the right of access by the organization, their customer, and regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of facilities and to applicable documented information, at any level of the supply chain
      4. Ensuring that persons are aware of:
        1. Their contribution to product or service conformity
        2. Their contribution to product safety
        3. The importance of ethical behavior

5. Certification requirements for Lot Purchases or Consignments

In addition to the specific certification and traceability requirements listed in this document, certification documentation for lot purchases or consignments must comply with specific contractual or purchase order requirements. When an individual ATA106 material certification or similar document is impractical for each part, a manifest of the contents must contain the following information on each page of the manifest:

    1. Name of the company selling/consigning the material
    2. 630 Aerospace Purchase or Contract number

5.3 Part Number

5.4 Serial or Batch Number (if applicable)

5.5 Condition

5.6 Quantity

5.7 Name of Manufacturer or OEM

5.8 Each manifest page must be numbered "1 of x", "2 of x", etc., and be signed by an authorized representative of the seller/consignor and dated


Note:  Any lot purchase or consignment material received by 630 Aerospace that is either inconsistent with or omitted from the manifest will be held by 630 Aerospace in the non-conformance cage pending disposition and/or returned at the cost of the seller/consignor.


6. Additional Teardown Requirements

    1. Vendor is required to have ESD handling equipment (mats and wrist strap) for electronic sensitive devises and must plug and cap all open tubes and hydraulic lines.

7. Certification Requirements for Aircraft/Engine Teardown Parts

    1. For aircraft/engines parted out by a FAA, EASA, TC or CAAC Certified repair facility, a removal tag bearing the repair facility's name. Information on the tag must include manufacturer's part number, serial number (as applicable), part description, quantity, aircraft registration number and/or aircraft manufacturer's serial number or engine serial number and model number (as the case may be), date removed, reason for removal, and total time and total cycle(s) of the airframe or engine (as the case may be) from which the part was removed
    2. The removal tag must be signed or stamped and dated by the repair facility or agency representative performing the disassembly

Note:  At a minimum, parts must have documented traceability to a specific aircraft or engine, and there should be a way of establishing clear title to all parts.


8. Certification Requirements for Life-Limited Parts

All life-limited parts must meet the documentation and certification requirements listed above plus the following additional requirements:

    1. A non-incident statement from the last operator.
    2. Each life limited part shall be accompanied by a document, produced at the time the part was removed from the engine, module or aircraft (as the case may be), detailing the manufacturer's part number, serial number, current total time and current total cycles. The document shall also include the serial number, total time, total cycles, and model number of the next higher assembly, aircraft or engine (as the case may be), and must be signed by an authorized representative of the company that prepared it.

8.3 In the event that the part was installed on more than one engine or aircraft, the requirements of the above paragraph must be met, plus disk sheets or log book entries with the manufacturer's part number and serial number of the part, plus the serial numbers and model numbers of all engines or airplanes that the part was installed on. All such sources of information (maintenance release tags, disk removal/installation sheets, logbook entries, etc.) must accurately trace the history of all life limited parts back to new.

8.4 Complete history of all vendor/manufacturer/repair facility modifications to life limited parts relative to any service bulletins and/or airworthiness directives which affects part number, life limit or re-inspection requirements.

8.5 For all life limited parts (new or serviceable), one or a combination of the following is required, FAA 8130-3, EASA Form 1, SEG VOO 003, PWA MRP, PWA Transfer Ticket, GE Database report, OEM's Original build specification document or similar OEM certifying document.

9. Hazardous or Dangerous Goods

All hazardous or dangerous goods must comply with the following:

9.1 Any Hazardous and/or Dangerous goods supplied to 630 Aerospace must be identified, handled, and shipped in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations Title 49

9.2 Current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must accompany each shipment


630 Aerospace will not accept Raw Goods, Paints, Sealants, Chemical Agents,
Oxygen Generators or Explosive devices of any kind!!!


10. Packaging/Delivery

All packaging/deliveries to 630 Aerospace must comply with the following:

    1. All wood packaging material manufactured out of coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood must meet the requirements of the most recent revision of ISPM 15 regulation.
    2. Material must be packaged in accordance with ATA 300 Spec, or 630 Aerospace’s requirement of 3" of foam or bubble around unit packed in cardboard or wood.
    3. Packing slips must be on the exterior of each shipping container and enclosed inside the box.  630 Aerospace purchase order number(s) must be clearly visible on outside of shipping container.
    4.  Mixing of various 630 Aerospace purchase orders inside one box is not acceptable